Hideo Takahashi, MD

Takahashi, Hideo, MD

Primary Location

Mount Sinai South Nassau - Gertrude & Louis Feil Cancer Center
1 South Central Avenue
Valley Stream, NY 11580
(516) 632-3350
(516) 632-3355 (Fax)

No Patient Experience Ratings [Why not?]



Area(s) of Practice Specialty

Hepatopancreatobiliary (HPB) Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Surgical Oncology

Hospital Employed


Medical School

Kobe University School of Medicine


Cleveland Clinic


Roswell Park Cancer Center

Board Certification

Surgery and Complex General Surgical Oncology

Accepted Insurance

Participates in most plans the hospital accepts.
Click here to view the list of Participating Insurance Plans.
Click here to view the list of Non-Participating Insurance Plans.

Accepting New Patients


Languages Spoken Other Than English



Dr. Takahashi is board certified in General Surgery and Complex General Surgical Oncology. He obtained his medical degree from Kobe University School of Medicine in Kobe, Japan. He completed a General Surgery Residency at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio and a Complex General Surgical Oncology fellowship at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, New York. He is specialized in the malignancies in the liver, pancreas, and upper and lower gastrointestinal tract. He is also specialized in robotic surgery for oncology cases as well as general surgery including gallbladder and hernia repair.