Truth About Marijuana

Truth In Medicine Poll - Marijuana

September 2018

Mount Sinai South Nassau Truth In Medicine Poll: Majority of Metro Area Residents Have Concerns About the Impact of Recreational Marijuana Use on Public Safety

  • 74% say driving under the influence of marijuana concerns them
  • 57% say they are not aware that there is no field test to measure if a driver is under the influence of marijuana

Fifty-percent of metro area New York residents support legalizing recreational marijuana, but 74% of respondents expressed concern about people driving under the influence of marijuana and 57% are unaware that currently no field sobriety test exists to test for marijuana use among drivers, according to the latest Mount Sinai South Nassau 'Truth in Medicine' Poll, sponsored by Bethpage Federal Credit Union.

Respondents were split as to whether or not they believe marijuana is addictive with 54% saying they believe it is. Results were similar as to whether or not marijuana is a “gateway” or a habit-forming drug that may lead to other drug use with 49 percent of respondents believing it can lead to other drug usage.

An overwhelming majority – 86 percent – said tax revenue from recreational marijuana sales should be used to advance public health initiatives, the poll showed. And 94 percent agree that marijuana should not be sold near schools and houses of worship.

Most respondents believe alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana with 42 percent believing alcohol is extremely dangerous as opposed to 28 percent for marijuana.

Recreational marijuana is currently legal in nine states; medical in 30 states. Several other states, including New York and New Jersey, are considering moves to legalize recreational marijuana. Marijuana for medicinal purposes has been legal in New York since 2014. The state is currently hosting a series of public sessions to gauge community input on the implementation of regulated marijuana programs. On September 27th, that panel will be held on Long Island.

Among the ‘Truth in Medicine’ poll respondents, 50 percent supported legalizing recreational marijuana, 40 percent were opposed and 10 percent were unsure.

Respondents agree that with any potential legalization must come education, even among those currently using marijuana for medicinal purposes.

Mount Sinai South Nassau 'Truth in Medicine' Poll: Majority of Metro Area Residents Have Concerns About the Impact of Recreational Marijuana Use on Public Safety

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