Truth About Stress

Truth In Medicine - Stress

November 2019

Mount Sinai South Nassau Truth In Medicine Poll: Women Under 50 Are Most Stressed Out as Holidays Approach

  • Over 20 percent of these women say they turn to alcohol and drugs to relieve tension
  • Work-related stress rated as “high” among 48 percent of residents who work outside of the home

Women under 50 are the most stressed out as the holidays approach, with 61 percent saying their stress level is high or very high, according to the latest ‘Truth in Medicine’ poll of New York metro area residents.

Stress increases across the board during the holidays, with 46 percent of those polled reporting high or very high levels of holiday-induced anxiety. During non-holiday periods, 31 percent overall rate their stress as very high (5 percent) or high (26 percent).

As for specific factors that cause the most stress, finances and family were the two top reasons chosen among all those polled, with 25 percent rating debt and financial concerns associated with the holidays as stress-inducing and 20 percent saying family issues raised their stress levels. But when asked to choose the top three (out of five) reasons for holiday stress, a plurality of respondents volunteered that all factors—finances, family, overscheduling, shopping, and overeating—cause stress.

Throughout the rest of the year, the workplace is the biggest source of stress in working people’s lives, while home life is less stressful for most area residents. Overall, a substantial 48 percent of respondents who work outside the home say their stress level in the workplace is high or very high. Black respondents reported overall stress levels that are notably higher (48 percent) than white (28 percent) or Hispanic (25 percent) respondents. New York City dwellers rated their overall stress level higher than Long Islanders.

Women under the age of 50, especially those who work outside the home, feel the most stress during the holidays and at home, levels that impact their mental and physical health. While 61 percent of women under 50 use exercise and 54 percent turn to friends to relieve stress, a concerning one in five women under 50 use alcohol or drugs to relieve stress. Only 6 percent of area adults have sought counseling to help deal with stress, and only 9 percent more have even considered counseling. Among those who have not used counseling but have considered it, the key impediments are cost and time.

To reduce your stress levels, experts recommend:

  • Exercise
  • Remove yourself temporarily from whatever is causing anxiety
  • Take a walk with a loved one

Stress can be dangerous when it impacts our daily lives for long periods of time. If stress becomes unmanageable, seek professional help.

Mount Sinai South Nassau 'Truth in Medicine' Poll: Women Under 50 Are Most Stressed Out as Holidays Approach

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