Holistic Birth Program

Holitsic Birth Program

Embrace Calm & Comfort in Childbirth

This program was born with the goal of bringing comfort to birthing people during their labor and delivery experience. The desire to optimize the quality of care to childbearing patients is the core of this program.

Our holistic approach to childbirth has the following characteristics:

We consider all aspects of a laboring person, including the body, mind, and spirit. A holistic childbirth recognizes the impact of the mind and spirit, as well as the physical body, on the experience of birth. Physical health, values and beliefs, relationships, emotional wellbeing, and spirituality all affect birth. In the same way, the experience of giving birth influences body, mind, and spirit.

We trust the natural progression. A holistic approach to childbirth also recognizes that a patient’s body is naturally designed to conceive, nourish, and give birth to a baby. It trusts the natural progression of labor.

We start with least invasive approach but use the full range of therapies as needed. A holistic approach to childbearing includes both low-intervention approaches and the appropriate use of technology in a thoughtful and well-considered manner. A holistic approach respects the normal processes of birth and recognizes the need for assistance if appropriate. Each situation is unique, requiring individual choices and care.

We incorporate integrative therapies. A holistic approach to childbirth includes the use of integrative therapies like our free Holistic Birth Program to aid common discomforts of labor, in a way that is consistent with the belief system of the patient.

The holistic birth program consists of a brief mindful visit with the laboring person. During the visit the “Labor of Love Cart” is presented to the patient by a staff member, offering comfort measure supplies based on their medical condition.

Patients may choose from the following list of items:

  • Aromatherapy
  • Peanut Labor Ball
  • Eye Mask - Lip Balm - Hair Tie
  • Hand lotion - Comfy socks
  • Coconut Water - Ginger Ale - Calming Teas
  • Positive Labor Affirmation Card*
  • Flameless LED Tea Light Candles*

*Cards & Candles are shared not kept.

This Program is designed to provide a safe and satisfying experience to those who have an uncomplicated medical and obstetrical history and have a pregnancy that is proceeding normally. Patients can be enrolled in this program when the gestational age of the baby is 37 weeks or older, and less than 42 weeks with no high-risk factors present.
As part of providing comfort and relaxation, each laboring and surgical rooms in the Labor and Delivery Unit are equipped with a wireless Bluetooth speaker. Patients can choose the soundtrack of their birth experience, from their own cellphone. Promoting safety, comfort and enhancing our patient’s satisfaction represent the success of this program.

NOTE: Our holistic approach recognizes, and respects all needs of a laboring person and their understanding of natural childbirth. This may include a variety of choices regarding pain management and interventions.

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