Professional Practice Model

As part of the Mount Sinai Health System, Mount Sinai South Nassau aligns with the system Professional Practice Model (PPM) Relationship Centered Care (RCC). Our PPM is a dynamic system which supports registered nurse control over the delivery of nursing care and the environment in which care is delivered. Subsystems of the PPM include core values, professional relationships, the patient care delivery model, leadership/governance structures, and recognition and reward.
Professional Practice Model

As the Flagship hospital for Mount Sinai on Long Island, the Flag on the map of Long Island reflects our commitment to relationship-centered care. It also contains our foundations of evidence-based practice and development along a continuum of novice to expert. We aspire to our STAAR Standards Every Day, Every Shift, for Every Patient as seen in the sky. Our nursing values are noted along the map of Long Island.

Relationship Centered Care

Our Care delivery model is central to exemplary professional practice. At Mount Sinai South Nassau our Care Delivery Model is Modified Primary Nursing. It describes the manner in which care is planned and delivered, skill sets required, and expected outcomes of care. The care delivery model is integrated within our PPM and promotes continuous, consistent, efficient, and accountable delivery of nursing care.

Our Care Delivery Model supports the tenets of Primary Nursing:

  • Accountability
  • Autonomy
  • Continuity
  • Collaboration
Care Delivery Model

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Meet Our CNO
Mission, Vision and Strategic Plan
Professional Practice Model
Nursing Annual Reports
Shared Governance
Service Areas