Truth About COVID-19: Poll 2

COVID-19 Truth In Medicine Poll

June 2020

Mount Sinai South Nassau Truth In Medicine Poll: Two-Thirds of Metro Area Residents Would Forgo Sporting Events, Movies, and Public Transportation

  • Only 45% would get a COVID-19 vaccine

Two-thirds of metro area residents would not attend a sporting event, watch a movie, or ride mass transit because of COVID-19 fears as Long Island reopens, the latest Mount Sinai South Nassau public health poll shows. Eighty-six percent of respondents said they would not shake someone’s hand.

A majority also are uneasy about flying on an airplane, eating in a restaurant, or going to a bar, the poll showed.

Despite 100,000 recorded deaths due to coronavirus nationwide, notably, 55 percent of area residents said they are either unsure (30 percent) or would not (25 percent) roll up their sleeves for a COVID-19 vaccine, if one were available.

In a previous Truth in Medicine Poll, sponsored by Bethpage, conducted in early February before the height of the outbreak, 55 percent of respondents said they would get vaccinated compared to just 45 percent now. Respondents 65 and older remained committed to getting a vaccine, with 53 percent saying they would get vaccinated in both polls. This poll showed that interest in a vaccine also increased depending on whether or not the respondent was diagnosed with the virus or knew someone personally who was.

“It’s disturbing that there is reluctance about a potential vaccine. However, we’re hopeful that as one is developed, tested, and proven effective, people’s attitudes will change,” said Aaron E. Glatt, MD, Chair of the Department of Medicine at Mount Sinai South Nassau and a national expert on infectious diseases. “Although a vaccine is still some months away, early research shows promise that a vaccine could prevent a resurgence of COVID-19. Science is on our side. Right now, there is still too much unknown about a potential vaccine, and I assume that uncertainty is what we are seeing reflected in the poll results.”

Mount Sinai South Nassau Truth In Medicine Poll: Two-Thirds of Metro Area Residents Would Forgo Sporting Events, Movies, and Public Transportation

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