Amazing Stories
At Mount Sinai South Nassau, we are committed to saving and improving the lives of our patients.
Our success is measured by our patients’ satisfaction with our services and the quality of their outcomes. We are proud to share their amazing stories of courage, resilience and success with you:
Meet George T. - Heart Attack Survivor
Have you ever had a moment when everything changed? One second, life seemed on track; the next, it was completely uncertain? For George T., that moment came on September 10, 2018 ... read more

Meet Sarafina - Ovarian Cancer Patient
In 2015, a doctor referred Sarafina, then 50, and a mother of two, to Mount Sinai South Nassau’s Dr. Ann Buhl to evaluate her left-sided pelvic pain. Dr. Buhl, director of Mount Sinai South Nassau’s Gynecologic Oncology program, diagnosed Sarafina with stage 3 ovarian cancer ... read more

Meet Cheryl F. - Revisional Weight-Loss Surgery Patient
Have You Regained Weight After Weight-Loss Surgery? You may be a candidate for revision surgery. If you have had a prior gastric band, gastric bypass or sleeve surgery, and experienced weight gain, nausea, vomiting, reflux or difficulty eating solid foods, revision surgery offers a second chance to reach your ideal weight-loss goals ... read more
Meet Eric S. - Colon Cancer Patient
In February 2018, Eric S., 45, an acclaimed chef at a Manhattan-based restaurant, and father of two small children, noticed blood in his bowel movements and had struggles swallowing. His family GI doctor referred him to Mount Sinai South Nassau for a colonoscopy and endoscopy. ... read more
Meet Maria H. - Coronary Stent Patient
Maria is a leader in our community who almost brushed off a terrible pain in her chest after thinking it was indigestion. Learn more about how this grandmother of five is back on her feet, just weeks after her cardiac procedure at South Nassau ... read more
Meet Bill R. - Heart Patient
Bill R., 67, was considered a model patient. An ex-smoker, he dutifully took his prescribed medicines for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. During a routine visit to the South Nassau Primary Care Center at Bellmore, Carolyne McHyman, DO, performed a physical exam, ordered further diagnostic tests and recommended Bill see his cardiologist ... read more
Meet Lauren D. - Maternity Patient
Lauren D. and her husband, Ryan, of Queens, NY, had the choice of any hospital located in New York City for the birthplace of their first child. With metro-area physicians touting South Nassau’s program of compassionate, collaborative obstetrical health care services and attention to high-risk pregnancies, Lauren and Ryan chose Mount Sinai South Nassau. ... read more
Meet Karyn G. - Karyn was treated for a large atrial septal defect (ASD)
A patient of Dr. Sherry Megalla here at Mount Sinai South Nassau’s Center for Cardiovascular Health. Karyn was treated for a large atrial septal defect (ASD) or hole in her heart ... read more
Meet Charles - "They called me their ‘miracle patient,’ but Mount Sinai South Nassau saved my life."
In July 2014, I collapsed and was rushed to South Nassau’s emergency room. While in the ER, my wife was informed that I needed emergency surgery to repair a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm ... read more
Meet Heidi - "My flu-like symptoms turned out to be a heart attack."
I was getting ready for my grandson’s birthday, when all of a sudden I became weak. I thought I was coming down with the flu. Before going to sleep, I called my son and told him that something didn’t feel right ... read more
Meet Joyce - "Are you coping with chronic orthopedic pain? Joyce can tell you where to go for relief."
Too many people try to live with painful, debilitating orthopedic conditions, whether in the back, knee, shoulder or hip. That once included sprightly 84 year old great grandmother Joyce Levy ... read more
Meet Dorothy - "People don’t know how lucky they are to have a facility like this on the South Shore of Long Island."
Dorothy Yamali, of Island Park, and her son Butch recount how the Mount Sinai South Nassau Trauma and Emergency Department Team saved Dorothy’s life ... read more
Meet Sophia - “It’s comforting to know that expert emergency care is available in Long Beach.”
I got a call from my daughter’s school. Sophia had fallen, scraping her hand and knee. The school nurse said Sophia had a foreign object in her hand, but to me it looked like a bone was sticking out ... read more

Meet Janine - "I am grateful for the life that was given back to me."
An exuberant Janine Gentile has regained her health — and life — thanks to Lawrence Kanner, MD, Mount Sinai South Nassau's Director of Electrophysiology Services ... read more

Meet Mark - Mark’s heart is fully recovered, and filled with gratitude and encouragement.
It was the Saturday before Memorial Day weekend 2016, and Mark was not feeling right. “I slept on the couch that night since I was having major discomfort in my upper chest, right palm and the tip of my ring finger,” ... read more